Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Lobster Police Visit

Yesterday when I noticed a someone drive into our property in a pick-up truck and walk over to the door (in uniform, wearing a badge) I thought to myself, boy I hope this is our local police chief because I'd like to talk about the speeding people do in the morning past our business. When he opened the door I could see he was the Marine Police (AKA Lobster Police). With citation book in hand, he asked if we were serving lobster dinners and I said, "yes" (he could see the sign outside advertising Lobster Dinners for $10 on Saturday night). He asked if I had a license and I about laughed but refrained. I said, "you're kidding right? " To which he responded, "that's what most people say." I said that I had recently called to the township office to ask if we needed any further permits or licenses than our lodging and restaurant license and our retail license, our registration as a business with the State of Maine and they said not to their knowledge. Guess that didn't include lobsters (and other shellfish). We just got a "warning" and forms to send into the State of Maine (to pay $87 for our permit to sell lobster dinners). We have to purchase from a licensed dealer and not a harvester unless we want to buy a different and more expensive permit. Given we're only charging $10 for dinner including lobster, potatoe, salad, and beverage, it's going to be a while before we cover the cost of the license. So, we may have to raise the dinner to $12.00 - sorry folks!

Can you imagine that the Marine Police carry guns? Going to shoot the lobster in the tank? or me!?!?!