Bay Leaf Cottages and Motel welcomes travelers with their well-behaved dogs. Ginger, our 11-year old cocker spaniel, greets visitors and gives each of her new pals a welcome "doggie bag" complete with dog blanket, water bowl and mat, bones, poopie bags, and coupons for pet-friendly businesses in the area.
Our park-like setting makes bringing your dog alone fun. Nearby dog parks and beaches, pet shops, and hiking trails provides your pet with options. We offer an on-site outdoor shaded kennel with dog house and water feeder.
7 motel rooms (with water views) and 8 cottages (some with kitchens, some with water views) are designated "dog friendly". Be sure to book in advance, especially for weekends in July-August.
Ginger will be here until mid-October - we'll close around the 17th.
Questions? email Jane@bayleafcottages.com
What makes the Mid-Coast of Maine a destination for people who traavel with their dogs?
- dog friendly lodging
- dog-friendly businesses (ability to dine outside, shops that allow pets, shops that cater to pets)
- dog parks
- dog beaches
- unique dog walking and hiking routes
- training programs, events, fairs
- support services (veterinarians, kennels, grooming, training)
Dog friendly businesses in the Lincolnville Beach area (for those staying at Bay Leaf Cottages):
- Critter Outfitter (Camden)
- The Fertile Mind Bookstore (Belfast)
- Friends of Belfast Park (Belfast)
- Human Society of Knox County (Rockland)
- Loyal Biscuit Co. (Rockland)
- The Maine Dog (Camden)
- Mr. Paperback (Belfast)
- Owl and Turtle Bookshop (Camden)
- Perry Greene Kennel and Outfitters (Waldoboro)
- The Readin gCorner (Rockland)
- The Seagull Shop (Pemaquid)
- Sherman's Books (Camden)
- Yankee Clipper (Rockport)
- Zoots Coffee Shop (Camden)