A new season on the Maine coast ... it wasn't long before a warm winter was over and I was driving back to Maine for the "summer season". Though the fireplace is running and there's still a nip in the air, it's nice to look out to Penobscot Bay again and discover what's new - closings and openings, the buzz on the street, and the yum in the tummy.
So far - Dohrman's Ice Cream in Rockland is open and everyone is going - we missed the good hand-made/dipped ice cream all winter.
Wasses celebrates it's 40 year with 30 cent hot dogs this Saturday (May 5). And while it's Cinco de Mayo, I think I'll celebrate both events with discounted hot dogs.
The Baked Potatoe closed and The Mediterraen opened - same location (have yet to try the new option). Mr. Wat is now where once pizza came ... and doing well.
Renys is still the best unexpected shop in Maine - while I love LL Bean, Kittery Trading Post, and many other Maine staples, there's nothing quite like Renys - where else can you buy a Maine back-scratcher, Raye's Mustard, and lobster pots alongside Pendleton and Carhart clothes?
Our new water system is in place - kicking out pool-like water and smelling better than that good old iron-metalic smell often an issue along the coast. One task down, many to go. We're making quick progress however.... motel/cottages are cleaned, windows washed, linens ready, restaurant has food for breakfast set to go, new lawn chairs, playground equipment on order, apartment almost finished, lawn mowed, lights working, TVs on, telephone and WIFI going strong.... ready to open! Flags go up tomorrow, sign changed to vacancy.
Come visit - we're ready to see how many lobsters you can eat in one sitting!